Friday, July 23, 2010

Barbie Dolls and Super Heros

Tonight I want to write a special blog. Tonight I want to write about someone who, while younger than me, has taught me so much about life and about myself. This person is my younger brother. Today he turned 18 years old. My mom and dad told me that when they found out that they were pregnant that I was so excited! I really wanted a sister. I wanted someone to play barbies with and dress up with. When they came home to tell me that I was gonna have a baby brother I was devastated! A BOY? I didn't want a boy living with me. Who was gonna play with me?! Little did I know at age four that later on in life I would realize that a brother is exactly what I needed.
Like I said, I was four years old when mom and dad brought Zach home from the hospital. I remember sitting in the rocking chair as they placed him in my arms. I was already so proud of him! Time went by quickly and before we knew it he was running around our house, stealing our hearts. And guess what? I think he was pretty fond of me as well because he did pretty much whatever I wanted him to. He played Barbies with me when we were little. He helped me dress up our cat, Little Eek, and as we got a little older he even, reluctantly, played student, while I played teacher. (I may have something to do with his dislike for school) But don't worry, I didn't just make him play girly games...we played boy games too. I still remember running around our house in St. Peters me in my brightly colored underwear, him in his power ranger underwear, with our blankies tied around our necks acting like superheros. Growing up with a brother also means you learn how to play video games and you learn how to throw a football or in our case, swing a golf club. We had a nice balance in our house growing up.

Sure, we fought and teased and didn't always get along....I will never forget the time that him and I were in the back seat of the car and we were bickering back and forth (he always liked to get a rise out of me). Dad had asked us to stop plenty of times but we didn't listen, of course. As we are sitting next to each other, facing one another, practically nose to nose going at it something stops's hand. He reached back there and whacked both of our faces so fast. Now something you should know about my dad is that he NEVER hit us...I don't think I ever got a spanking from him and he rarely raised his voice either so needless to say, Zach and I were both a little shocked. We both just busted out in laughter after that. That is usually how our tiffs would end...and they always did.
Zach and I were always close for brother and sister but it wasn't until I went off to college that we became the friends we are today. My brother has went through a lot in the short 18 years he has lived. He has taught me so much about the importance of love and laughter. He has shown me that it is good to take a leap of faith but to always watch out for the fall. And then when I fall...because I do often...he is always there to pick me up, brush me off and give me that push I need to keep on going. As an older sister I feel like I am supposed to be an example. I am supposed to go out in this world and live life first so that I can warn and teach and guide my brother. I am supposed to have words of wisdom for him as he grows up. And although I do not think that I have failed by any means as his sister, I do think that he has done those things far more for me. He has been my support and my example. He has touched my life in ways that I can't imagine touching some one's life. 

As we have gotten older I have watched him turn into such an extraordinary young man of God. He is so passionately in love with His Saviour and He does not take his faith lightly. He has inspired me more than once and encouraged me in my walk with the Lord numerous times. We may not play with Barbie dolls or dress up like Super Heroes any longer but now I have a friend to sit at Starbucks with me and talk about life, or to take a drive to Route 66 to see the World's Largest Rocking chair just because we can. I am sure we will still have our tiffs and need a firm hand across our face to snap us out it...and we will always snap out of it. But as friends come and go because they always do, as people disappoint us and walk out of our lives at least I know that I will always have my little, 6'2'', brother by my side.
Zachary James Silvio Vaeth is an amazing person. He is strong, sensitive, he cares for people, loves his family and friends, he is courageous and a pretty much the best golfer I know! :) He turned 18 years old today and I just wanted to wish him a very happy birthday!
So I don't know if Zach will ever read this but if he does: I want you to know that I love you and I don't think that I could ever thank God enough for blessing me with a brother 18 years ago when I thought I wanted a sister. You have been such a blessing in my life and I pray that I can be even half of that for you!

1 comment:

  1. This is so sweet. I feel the same way about my brother. I hope Zach reads this someday. You should write more. I enjoy reading your blogs. I take something away from each one.
