Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's been awhile...

So, it has been many things have happened that I think it would just bore you to try and catch you up on my life so I will just so the short version and whether you follow along or not doesn't really matter...Hawaii, sun, tan, friends, family, drama, boys, God, school, new job, God, drama, boys, wedding planning, new friends, God...and now here we are. :)

I never really intended to have a blog to write you a day to day journal of events happening in my life. My intentions were more to share with you some of my deep and meaningful thoughts :) and some of the things that the Lord is teaching me in hopes that  maybe He would use my blog to touch you or teach you something. So this fall I started my Grad program in Counseling. It has been really fun! It has made me so excited to see what the Lord has planned for me within this degree. Along with my new program I have also started my new job on campus. This has also been really fun. I work with really great people and if I can show them a little bit of the love of Christ than I will be happy. It has been great to be back at LU but it has been different. Of course I have made new friends and have had the great blessing to continue growing in the old friendships as well. But like always the Lord is teaching me new things everyday....

Lately the Lord has really been teaching me that He satisfies my every need. Coming back to school I had a great desire to be in a relationship. This need could have stemmed from the idea that I had planted in my head that I would be with someone coming back to school but when that failed I still had this desire. I had thought about all the things that I was going to do with this person and thought about how I was going to have a date to all the weddings coming up and so even when things with that person didn't work out I still found myself looking all around me to see what "prospects" I had. I just wanted to keep "my options open" so to speak. I am so grateful that the Lord doesn't give up on us because I was puting so much of my energy into these thoughts at the beginning of the semester. But we have a God that loves us and desires to be in relation with us. I was desiring this too and so once I finally realized that I was puting this need for companionship above the Lord and idolizing it the Lord filled me with so much love and companionship that suddenly I didn't feel that need anymore. I felt so in love with Jesus and realized that I didn't have to search for the perfect man anymore because I already had a perfect man and a perfect God. Everyday I have to make the decision to follow Jesus but when I do I am so happy and so filled with love that I feel like I can't get enough of Him. I want more and more of Jesus Christ!

My dear friend Veronica put it so nicely this past weekend. We were laying in the grass field at Turkey Hill gazing up at the most amazing thing I have ever seen, God's beautiful creation of the night sky and I asked her how she stayed content....she told me that although she still struggles daily that she finally realized she had to stop trying to figure out the Lord's will for her future because she will never know it. God is the only one who knows that but what she does know is that Jesus Christ commands us to follow Him and so if we do that we can be confident that we are in His will for our life and really...isn't that what we have are always trying to figure out? I know that I am where the Lord wants me right now...and if I just keep my eyes on Him than I will know that I am in His will for me and that is enough to make me content.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jess :)

    Emmy and I were just spilling about this, and I'm sure you know because you're there. It's such an amazing blessing that we have all we need and more in the Lord!! It's just so hard to recognize it sometimes. It's always so easy to get caught up in those around us that we desire flesh relationships more that we desire a spiritual one. I think it will always be a challenge to let God have control of the love we experience in our lives, but if we don't we won't experience it to the fullest like He wants us to. I can't wait for the perfect man to fall into your life when God has it planned! It's something us girls look forward to forever, and how lucky are we that our husbands have already been created and our futures are already set!! Keep your eyes on God, and let Him show you where love comes from! :)
    Hope your laundry is close to finished!
