Thursday, March 4, 2010

...He is in always listening.

So I have a new favorite song. It is Listen to Our Hearts by Steven Curtis Chapman.

How do you explain, How do you describe, A love that goes from east to west, And runs and deep as it is wide? You know all our hopes Lord, you know all our fears. And words cannot express the love we feel. But we long for You to hear
Chorus: So listen to our hearts (oh, Lord, please listen)Hear our spirits sing (and hear us sing)A song of praise that flows (a simple song of praise)From those You have redeemed (from those You have redeemed)We will use the words we know To tell You what an awesome God You are But words are not enough To tell You of our love So listen to our hearts
If words could fall like rain From these lips of mine And if I had a thousand years I would still run out of time So if You listen to my heart Every beat would say,“Thank You for the Life, thank You for the Truth, thank You for the Way.”
I was reminded of this song tonight when I got a text message from a good friend of mine, Carrie. She doesn't read my blog so she didn't know that my last entry was about peace and that I had said that was something that I felt like the Lord was trying to teach me lately. But what I found so cool was the way the Lord showed His sovereignty tonight through a simple text message. Carrie sent me a verse in John, chapter 16 and verse 33. It says, "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have over come the world." How awesome is that? First I am just thinking how cool is it that Jesus has already over come not only the trials and tribulations that we face daily but He has overcome this world that we live in. We don't have to worry anymore! And then I thought about how much I needed to hear that verse...I had not been verbally praying to God about anything at the time. In fact, sadly the Lord was far from my mind as I was trying to retain as much information as I could for my exam while trying to divide my thoughts about my own tribulations I was facing. God was listening to my heart when I wasn't even trying to talk to Him. Isn't it amazing the way the Lord knows everything we need at every moment of every day? I just think that is so neat. He is so faithful. :) I just wanted to share those thoughts with you before I snuggled into bed...ahhh...can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. i love this song! its by far one of my favorites. some how it just captures what im saying in my heart that no one else may understand, maybe i dont even understand it...but the cool thing that it even says, is the Lord understands it! and you're right he knows exactly what you need and when you need it...its just another gentle reminder that he has it all under dont need to worry about a thing!
    i love you girl. what a beautiful picture of peace you have been describing the last week or so honored i get to walk next you while God reveals him self to you through peace. love you!!!
