Monday, March 8, 2010

Just Stop Flapping!

Another week is starting...I think that is so easy for us to get into a routine. We know it is Monday and we just "do". We do without even thinking at times. I woke up this morning, went to the gym, ran back to my dorm to frantically get ready for class, drove over to QT with Em to get a 20 oz fat free french vanilla latte and a special K peanut butter and chocolate meal bar and before I knew it we were sitting in the car stalking people to their cars so that we could get a parking spot outside of spellmen and not be late for our 10:00 class. Just another Monday....what makes this Monday different from last Monday, or the last? Do I wake up and just take a second to stop running around and thank God for giving me another Monday? I had a midterm today...pretty sure I aced it. Thank you Professor Beckerle for wanting to see your students succeed! :) I was out of my 10 class by 10:10..I don't have class till 11:00 and for the first time today I was able to just stop. Stop and think. Stop and listen...thank you God for talking to me through my busy and hectic day. Thank you God for waiting for me while I push you to the side because I know I do this way to much.

It is so easy to get tired. I don't mean just physically tired...although I think that is very easy as well. But have you ever just felt emotionally tired? Or mentally tired? Or even spiritually tired? I have been thinking about the verse in Isaiah 40. I posted it on the top of my page.

Isaiah 40:31 says, "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

I always remember my friend Cristina reading this verse to the girls at THRBC. She explained it a way I had never thought about it. She said that, eagles do not fly like other birds, they don't flap their wings but rather soar. Flapping their wings would use incredible amounts of their own strength and endurance. Instead they sit on a high ledge and wait for the right wind currents to come. When the time is right, they take off and soar upward. Effortlessly, because they have waited for the right time. What a lesson for God's children to learn. How often do we waste strength by jumping out too soon and 'flapping our wings', instead of waiting for God's timing. Waiting is not a popular concept in these days of instant everything! But when we wait on the Lord - wait for His timing - wait for His answers - wait for His direction, then we can soar to new heights and fly to new places.

The verse also says that those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will run and not grow weary. We don't have to do anything but put our hope in Him. How awesome is that? My prayer this week would be that you would take that challenge with Him of putting all our hope in God. That we would not continue to flap our wings, getting no where but that we would just stop and let God carry us through, allowing us to soar through this week and this life.


  1. jessica marie. i love this. what a beautiful illistration of that verse. i had never thought about it like that before. i can't get over it. that is such a beautiful picture! thank you for sharing that, i needed that. i love you girl. you are such a blessing in my life. and im so glad we have each other...even if no one else wants to hang out with us...haha

  2. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
    Nothing of myself. Amen.

  3. Em, I love you too! :) And Erica- you are so very right now don't forget that this week while you study for your praxis!
