Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Unexplainable Love

As I looked over the sea today I just became amazed and in such awe of God's love for His people. I have looked over large bodies of water many times before and each time I am reminded of how big God is but today was different for me. When I gazed across the sea today it was like the color of the water and the color of the sky blended together so well that it looked like one large mass of blue. I always feel so small, so insignificant and so undeserving of God's love yet He graciously extends it to me everyday. Sometimes I can feel big in this world. I have feel important and sometimes this is not good. I become too self seeking and I think inwardly rather than outwardly. How is it that a sinner like me can partake in this bountiful love? Some things cannot be explained. But when I look over the sea I am reminded of my place in this world. I am reminded of where I stand. I have a God much bigger than me and for that I am thankful. 

Cinque De Terre is beautiful. We have traveled Italy for 1 1/2 weeks now. As to be expected the three women have come to a point in the trip where we have needed our space. I love these two women more than words can express but too much time together can be hard. Today was one of those days. I  knew it would happen and I am thankful for the peaceful and slow pace of this town to keep us calm. I would not want to travel this country with anyone else. As I see couples, families and friends traveling together I am so grateful that I am traveling with my mom and grandma. Three generations-seeing our heritage and living our dream together. What makes it even more special is to know that the same love I experience from the Lord they experience as well. God is good.

You may not have a sea to gaze at today to ponder over your life and God's great plan for you but wherever you are-stop and take a look around. When we don't look sometimes we miss His grace, His love and His beauty but when we stop and intentionally look around we are sure to see it all.  

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