Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Roses and Thorns

Today was a day filled with roses and thorns. Our day started off nice as we ate breakfast and chatted with a woman from North Carolina. She could sing wonderfully. She sings on cruise ship for a living. As we talked with her about her life and her late husband she sang a few tunes for us. The cute little old Italian man that works at our hotel kept saying, "BRAVA! BELLA!" It was nice talking with someone from America. 

We began our day hoping to do a quick exchange of money from American dollars to Euros. However, this was not quick and not easy. Talk about feeling out of place. Hardly anyone speaks English and many local Italians were very rude. Every bank that we entered they would yell "No Exchange!" or just give us a look that basically ran us out the door. It was not until the last bank that a nice local Italian man that was waiting in line asked me to wait and he wrote something on a piece of paper that let me know where to find a place to exchange our money. I think God had that man talk to us at that moment because we were all feeling discouraged. We used that paper to show to multiple people as we walked along the way to make sure that we were going in the right direction. It seems to me that everyday I am reminded more and more that this is not my home. We are a minority here in this beautiful city and I am so thankful for each person who has taken the time to help us. Thank you Lord for this kind man.

Once we exchanged our money we found out way to St. Peter's Basilica. What a wonderful and beautiful experience. The Basicila was rich with Christian history. We could have stayed there for hours soaking it all in. The details of the building and the art is so marvelous. Once we left the Basilica we spent some time outside in St. Peter's sqaure watching the sun go down and taking pictures outside. It was only about 6pm which is at least an hour and a half too early to eat dinner according to the Italians so we went and found a cafe. My grandma said she has dreamed of sipping a cafe latte outside on a street in Rome so that is what we did. However, on the way to the Cafe- actually on the way to ANYWHERE you must learn how to walk through the streets while staying alive. People in Rome drive crazy! They park where ever they want. They drive where ever they want and they honk their horns more than anyone I have ever met! I've watched the locals and learned that to cross a street you must just walk. Confidence is key! If you see a small break in traffic you have to take it and you just walk in front of cars. They seem like they will run you over but it has not happened to me yet!! My mom and I have become pretty confident in this skill. However, I cannot say the same for my Grandma. My grandma has gotten left behind a time or two....she has screamed three or four times while either 1) stopping in front of a car and doing a karate kick (as if this will stop the car) or 2) running as fast as I have ever seen my grandma run and last, my personal favorite-she has yelled out a few American phrases at these crazy drivers-phrases that I would not repeat on my family following blog. I will just say that everytime she yells it out my mom and I are both yelling back- "MOM!" "GRANDMA!" Is this the sweet little woman that wanted to sip a latte on the streets of Rome? 

Don't worry-we eventually made it to our cafe and then we met Boyband Alla. Boyband was our waiter. He was a young guy from Albania and he is attending a University in Italy. He was a funny guy who kept telling us he liked Britney Spears and Adel. He kept coming out to our table yelling "Hiiii! Hiiiii Jessica! Hiiiii!" We had lots of fun talking and joking with him and then he was kind enough to give us some tips before we left on how to stay safe in the city. Turns out not everyone here in Rome is rude. We ended our night sitting outside enjoying pasta and wine. Now that I could get used to.

A day full of roses and thorns. Less thorns than yesterday. Here's to a day filled with roses tomorrow. 

The view from our hotel room. 

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