Thursday, June 2, 2011

Let the memories begin...

So here I am in Denver Colorado. For all of you who may not know, I am doing a four week summer project in Denver Colorado...summer in the city. This is first summer project which is unusual because I am a grad student and most students tend to go on summer projects when they are in their undergrad. This whole experience has been such an experience from the Lord. Just getting here has been a humbling experience in itself. I was so incredibly thankful to all the many people that stepped out in faith to support me financially-shout out to you if you are reading this! :)

Anyways, I am going to really try to blog a few times a week so that people at home can read about what I am doing here in the city. I want to share my experiences, my thoughts and all that the Lord is doing in my life and the lives of the people in Denver with you all. So please feel free to read! :) Let me just give you a little rundown of my past few the beginning of this week I was running around Cape and Jackson like a crazy woman buying clothes, swim suits, personal products and anything and everything else I thought I MIGHT need in Colorado. Tuesday I really thought that I could have a break down as I was trying to fit everything in my suitcase...I knew I was over packing but I didn't want to UNDER pack. I mean can you even imagine getting to Denver without that ONE pair of shorts? Yeah...I was that girl. I finally crawled into bed around 12:45 and slept a nice 5 1/2 hours. Wednesday up by 6:20, trying to get on the road by 8....getting on the road by 9:45...I mean it is my mom and I-what else would you expect right? We picked up Gaby from STL and hit the road! 10 hours that day...5 hours the next. And then Gaby and I roll into downtown Denver. We pull up to this Victorian style home that seems pretty nice and then we are directed to our big room connected to one little room and 13 girls. Gaby and I head to the back room with the two bunk beds but to get there we have to squeeze through the big room with like 5 bunk beds and as we try to lug all of our suitcases we realize that we are those know the girls that pack like a million and one things and still forget something. yeah those girls. But that's okay, we got settled and went to our first dinner with all our project friends....all 13 girls and 4 boys. Everyone seems really nice and friendly and well they say these people will be my best friends by the end of the four weeks and with only two bathrooms for all of us I can see that we will get REEEEAL close. I can hardly wait to see what the Lord has for us all. My dear friend Emiley had a little package for me when I got here (she is WAY too sweet) and in it was a journal that had a note for me. She said that I will have an amazing time and she is usually right...most the time. ;) Love ya em! So all I can do is trust the Lord in this like I have been doing all along right? Tomorrow is a day full of could be a long day so I am going to call it a night. I don't know who is reading this...maybe no one except my mom and Emiley (you guys rock!) but whoever you are, where ever you are this summer-let God lead you to new places! That could be at another summer project, working at a summer camp, doing an internship in Montana, spending your last summer at home before you move on to a new chapter of your life, working on a farm or just spending time at home with your family and friends...whatever you are doing ask God what He has for you. Ask Him what you can do for Him. He will show you and He will lead you...that's what I did and here I am in. Serving God. In Denver Colorado. My summer in the city. As my girl, Em said...Let the memories begin.

Day by day...
Moment by moment...
Jesus is Lord of Lords...
Who guides your every step.
So let Him guide you today!

Signing off here in Denver Colorado...



  1. i love you knew i would read this! haha! i am so excited to be able to follow you this time around! you are a huge blessing to me, i can't wait to see how the Lord uses you this summer! *let the memories begin!* ;) LOVE YOU!

  2. Well you were right about Em and I both reading this, but the whole running late thing, was my fault, but I had alot to dooooo!(That was me whinning.) I am excited to be a witness to this whole summer project thing. I know that you and Gaby will come back changed by God. I love you babe and I will pray for you everyday. Keep on blogging. Love ya!
    PS. Hey em!

  3. I love that you are going to blog....keep up with it because I need to hear from you.... I miss you sooooo much and I don't even know what i'm going to do without you....But i'm going to be reliant on the Lord because he's doing great things for all of us...U just know I miss my girl!! Have fun and be open minded...put you heart out there and make a difference...i know you will!
