Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day Two at Open Door

Today was day two at my ministry site. It is called Open Door ministry. Overall they do a lot of things for the community of Denver. They have a church service on Sunday, that I attend, along with the regular youth group type of things as well. During the day they have a "daycare" service that I am working at. Monday, Wednesday, Friday I am with the school age kids and on Tuesday and Thursdays I am with the middle school kids. I love all of them but get a lot of joy out of working with the middle school kids. I feel like they are at such a critical age. They are seeing this world and all the pain that it brings and some of them are looking for hope. Today we volunteered at a food bank. It was amazing to see how much goes on in this place. They are very proactive and know how to use their resources very well. They get food from all over and feel anywhere from 80-100 families a day! Some of the kids from Open Door have moms or dads that go to the food bank and so I think it was beneficial to see how much work has to go into that place. They kids were awesome! They had a great time and they were so well behaved. I am praying that I will be able to build some strong, trusting relationships with them that will lead into getting opportunities to share the gospel with them.

Working with the school age kids was also really fun! The girls wanted me to play store with them which I used to love doing as a child so that was great! We took them to the public library yesterday and this little really took a liking to me and she wanted me to read to her. She picked out a book called, "Where is my poop?" Which was actually very fitting for me. We had a fun time reading that book. Today when I got to Open Door the little girls that I played with yelled "JESSICA! JESSICA! COME SIT BY ME!" It made my heart melt. How could I have ever even thought that I would prejudge these little children. These children that the Lord so desperately loves! It kind of makes me feel like a camp counselor from Turkey Hill. Which if you know me at all you know how much I love Turkey Hill.

Speaking of Turkey Hill, my heart is with them and I am lifting up my prayers to them. I miss singing camp songs, "The Lord told Noah there's gonna be a floody floody....or....Let my light shine bright through the night, through the day, all the way for you...YEE HAW YIP YIP YIP!" Camp is such a great time for the kids and the staff. Well, I am sitting here in my living room, listening to some of my project friends play the guitar and keyboard and just chilling with some others. I am about to head down to my bunk to spend some time with the Lord before I get some rest. I loved your guys' comments! They are so very encouraging to me. Keep them coming!

Until my next post....

1 comment:

  1. How cool to see you love like Jesus loves ...remember when his disciples thought they were supposed to keep the children away, but Jesus was like uh nooo...let the little children come to me! (with a little bit of my version ha) I think it is a beautiful picture to think about how you are serving these children this summer. They are going through so much at such a young age. God has something in store for you and for them, and it will be a beautiful thing! I am so excited to continue reading about your adventures! JESSICA...JESSSICA...COME SEE ME ;) I love you sweet girl! have a great day!
